January Message from Our President
January 10th, 2023
Dear Crooked Creek Art League Members; Happy New to each and everyone! I hope 2023 brings you health and happiness. We have so much planned in the next few months. I hope all of you are on board and ready to participate.
First, we are excited to announce our Community Art Project has been approved and we are able to announce our artists. Yes, you read correctly… ARTISTS! The ideas for the community art project were so good that the Town of Chapin agreed to pay for the second project. Congratulations to Olga Yukhno and Nicki Peeples for being selected to place their work in the town of Chapin. As members of the CCAL, we are so excited to have your expertise representing the CCAL and the town of Chapin. I think the best part of all is that both are members of Crooked Creek Art League as well. The pieces should begin soon so watch for the progress.
Our January meeting will be Monday, January 16th, 2023 at Crooked Creek Park. Social time begins around 5:30 p.m. with the meeting beginning promptly at 6:00. Zoom will open around 5:45 p.m. If you are bringing food, please arrive prior to 5:15 p.m. to allow us time to set the food up. Our speaker for January is Danny O’Driscoll, a Master Wildlife Painter. Check the website to see his beautiful work. We all look forward to an evening of inspiration.
We are reminding everyone that our May Members Contest is up on the website as well. The theme, “Light It Up” has the prospectus on the website. Get busy painting your idea of “Light It Up. I can’t wait to see all the different interpretations.
Sonya Diimmler has worked hard to schedule our remaining workshops and rescheduling the one we had to postpone. Kate Aubrey, “Painting Real People in Watercolor” is March 2nd through March 4th. We still need at least one more person to sign up but we can take more. This is a 3-day workshop which gives you an extra day for the money. Please share with your watercolor friends. Kate is also our judge for the Spring Show. March 31st - April 1st is the “Workshop Exploring Abstraction with Lillie Morris. This is another great chance to hone new skills and enjoy abstraction. May 5th and 6th is the “Landscape and Seascape Painting with Soft Pastels” with Beth Williams. This is the rescheduled workshop from earlier. The workshops could use another participant or two. Please pass the word. We feel good about booking these artists.
The Juried Art Show is just around the corner with online registration beginning on January 23rd, 2023. Please make sure that you check out the registration because we have afforded you opportunities to participate as you have in the past and are open to photography and 3D. We are trying to get our numbers up in 3D. We encourage you to help us if at all possible.
We are also planning on “Blind Juroring” this year’s show. We will cover the names with painter’s tape for the judging. Otherwise, your name will be visible. We have a corrected Prospectus on the website. Please take time to read it carefully. The reception will be Friday, March 24th, 2023 at Crooked Creek Park. Please look at the sign-up sheets and help us where you can preparing for this show. This is our biggest event of the year. There is always food, cleaning and other ways to help other than financially.
We have purged our membership to show those that have paid. If you have not paid, please consider doing so and get back on the list. We also have numerous new members that have joined. I hope some of you will consider helping mentor our newest members. Welcoming them with open arms is the first thing we need to do. Karen Larrabee is still looking for mentors to help.
I think that I have covered the majority of the information needed. Please take time to read and let me know if I missed anything. Please subscribe to our BLOG so you will always be updated.
Kay Fox CCAL President

Quote of the Month
“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.”
Georgia O'Keeffe
Note: You can read all the president's letter at any time on this website at crookedcreekart.org/presidents-letters