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February Message from Our President

Crooked Creek Art League Logo

February 16, 2022

Dear Fellow Crooked Creek Art League Members:

Happy belated Valentine’s Day to each one of you. We are so excited to welcome Beth Williams as our presenter for our February 21st, 2022 meeting. She will be presenting “Working in a Series”. This meeting will be Zoom only as our presenter has family with Covid-19 and we do not want to expose our members.. The zoom will open between 5:30 and 5:45 for socializing. Meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. The Zoom Link: is for all general meetings.

Since we are meeting virtually this month, please pick up your pictures that are currently in the TAP Gallery. Drop by Crooked Creek Park and hang your “Lake Scenes” which is the theme for February. Our March TAP theme will be the winners from our Juried Show. April Tap Gallery will be “Coastal Marshes”.

We also need to begin work on our Annual Show in our May meeting. This year the theme is “Treasures in my Backyard”. Check the website for ideas or information. It is located under events and Annual Member Contest. Debra Kelly has done a great job with this theme.

Our workshops are continuing even with less participation because of Covid-19. We still have a couple left. If you have not participated in a workshop, now is the time. Sonya Diimmler has done an exceptional job organizing and planning our workshops.

  • The principles of abstraction with Larry Moore, Thursday, March 3rd through Saturday March 5th, Art Room Crooked Creek. Larry is the juror for our Spring Show. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from him.

  • Create Photos Like a Pro with your iPhone with Erdal Caba, Sat, Mar 19, Art Room at Crooked Creek Park. Note the times are NOT our usual workshop times: March 19th 9am-1 pm & March 20th 1-5pm. Erdal has won numerous awards throughout the state.

  • Glass Impressions: Sunlit Ball Jars - Workshop with Helen Beacham, Friday April 1 (9:30am-4pm) and Saturday April 2 (8:30am-2pm). Helen is a signature member of American Women Artists, among others. Her work has been juried into two “Splash” books and she was awarded as 1 of 10 in the “Over 60” category in “Artists Magazine”. Lunch will be provided.

Deadline for our Spring Juried Show (February 26th, 2022) is rapidly approaching. Our Juried Show Chairmen, Kay Stallings and Lisa Alberghini, are busy planning our Spring show. They would like for anyone that would kindly help find sponsors to contact them for information. If you have a friend or a business acquaintance that you would kindly approach about sponsorships, it will be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mary Collette at or our Co-Chairs with this information. ( or Please make sure you are keeping up with your emails so as not to miss anything. We look forward to meeting and working with our Jurors (Lead Juror, Larry Moore and Photography Judge, Paul Ringer) and student Jurors (Benedict College: Kierra Nance and USC: Nicholas Brutto).

We have a new show opportunity for May. We are planning to accept the invitation from Friends of the Irmo Branch Library to display our wonderful works there for the month of May. You may enter any of your work from Still Hopes or our other Juried Shows in the Exhibition or new pieces that you have ready at the time. We are not jurying this show. They ask for 10% of all sales in return. We are currently looking for a member to undertake the planning of this event. If you are interested or know someone I need to ask, please send me an email (

We have added an “Associate Member” to our membership options. We voted on changes to our constitution at our November general meeting and the board approved final changes to our Bylaws. Please take time to review these changes on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to message or call me.

Watch our website and social media for teasers about our Juried Show in March as well as other important news and/or opportunities. Have a great week. I look forward to seeing you on Zoom, Monday, February 21st, 2022.


Kay Fox


Crooked Creek Art League

Photo of CCAL 2022 President: Kay Fox
CCAL 2022 President: Kay Fox

Quote of the Month

I dream of painting and then I paint my dreams.

Vincent Van Gogh

Note: You can read all the president's letter at any time on this website at


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