August Message from Our President
August 21, 2021
Dear Fellow Crooked Creek Art League Members:
September is right around the corner and our first meeting will be September 20, 2021. Our board met on August 9th to deal with new restrictions, old and new business and changes in our bylaws and constitution.
There are some changes in our time and meeting room for September and October. To be in compliance with the hours of the Crooked Creek Park, we will need to have our social time with refreshments from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Our general meeting will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. with a short business session followed by our presenter as we have to be out of the building by 8:00 p.m. (their new closing time). We also will meet in the front room where we have our end of year meeting. Can’t wait to see everyone in person. Hopefully, we will not have any more lock downs due to Covid-19.
We will continue to zoom for those that are not comfortable meeting in person. The link will be sent out the week before our meeting. We are doing our best to get things set up for better video and audio in our meetings for those that zoom. Just keep praying that everything works out for the best.
Other notes from the board meeting are:
Minutes were approved for our last meeting in May. The minutes are available for your viewing on our website.
Maureen Carter, Treasurer, provided the June and July financial statements with our balance as of the end of July is $38,270.26.
Debi Kelly, Vice President, announced speakers for the September and October meetings: Gretchen Evans Parker (September) and Sandy Dimke (October) Information about the upcoming meetings is available on the CCAL website. She also requested any suggestions for presenters for future meetings. Contact her if you have a presenter and contact info that you would like to see at our meetings.
Bobbi Sorensen, Coordinator for Still Hopes Exhibition, reported that our exhibit will hang in Still Hopes for the months of December and January. More information will be available soon on the website. All entries can be submitted online. Prospectus should be out before our September meeting. She is finalizing the reception at Still Hopes before the info will be released.
Three workshops are already available on the CCAL website under Workshops. Members may register online.
October 01-02: Mosaic: Mixed Media and Found Objects with Angel Allen
November 05-06: Dynamic Approach to Still Life with Terry Norris
November 12-13: Sophisticated Simplicity in Watercolor with Mick McAndrews
The League will have a booth at the Chapin Fall Arts Festival, October 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. Any league artist who would like to show one or more of his/her pieces in this space should let Sandra Oliver know as soon as possible. We do ask those displaying in our booth to work in the booth at some time during the event. ( or (803) 321-0507. If an artist would like to have an individual display area, applications will be available from Sandra also. The cost is $25 per booth. One or more artists may select this option.
Hope you all have a great time. I look forward to seeing many of you in person in September.
Kay Fox, President
Crooked Creek Art League 2021-2022
Quote of the Month
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way - things I had no words for.”
Georgia O’Keeffe