Blue Lavender Gallery - August - September 2019: Barbara Teusink
Please join us in congratulating this month's featured artist at the Blue Lavender Gallery: Barbara Teusink.

"Heart of Fire"
Oil Painting by Barbara Teusink
An intense closeup of a red - orange dahlia.I love Dahlias. There is so very much variety in how they can look. The warmth, brilliant color and light in this one caught my eye. I just knew I wanted to paint it.
Original Oil on 16x16 flat gessobord panel.
Presented in a flat black frame.
Winner of the 2020 Invitation Postcard Award at the 2019 Crooked Creek Art League Annual Juried Show, March 2019
About the Artwork
Title: "Heart of Fire"
Media: Oil Painting
Price: $285

About the Artist
Barbara Teusink is an award winning artist whose work is represented in private collections across the USA and Canada. A contemporary realist, Barbara’s subjects include still life, floral, portrait, figure and landscape.
Barbara began her artistic studies in November 2012 after retiring from a professional career in educational technology. She continually seeks to improve through diligent self-study, weekly classes and occasional workshops. She strives to capture and preserve the fleeting moments of life; an expression or gesture, the light, the season, or a striking arrangement of objects. Barbara lives in Chapin with her husband, dogs and cat.
You can see more of Barbara's artwork at
You can reach Barbara by clicking HERE.