Virtual Open Group Painting Meetings
Wishing you could see and share your artmaking with fellow artists? Now you can!!

During normal times, CCAL hosts an open Group Painting day each Wednesday at the park from 9am to lunch. That's not an option for us until the park is able to resume its normal schedule. So, during the time of Covid, CCAL is pleased to offer our members the chance to paint together online via Zoom.
All are welcome!
Bring your own work and materials and spend some time on your art in the company of other artists! All mediums are welcome. These sessions do not include instruction, but the ad hoc group is very supportive of each other and will help you if they can. Each artist brings their own artwork, subject, medium, materials, etc. and works on their own pieces in a shared (online) setting.
These are open attendance sessions - you can come to whichever sessions work for you and skip the ones that don't. You may find a different mix of people each week but that's part of the beauty of it - you get to meet more fellow artists in the league!
This is a great chance to share your love of making with others and get to know some of the artists in the league a bit better.
When: Every Wednesday, 9am - 12noon
Where: Zoom (Join meeting at:
High tech experience is NOT required. Just join via Zoom and share yourself and your art the best that you can. Here are some tips and ideas that may help:
Figure out in advance a way to set up your phone, tablet or laptop so that it is aimed you and your artwork. This might mean putting it on a tripod, set it on a high table or propping it up in some way.
Try to be sure you have decent light so that you and your art can be seen on screen.
Here are some general guidelines for participating in a Zoom meeting:
Think of a Zoom Meeting as a face-to-face meeting and conduct yourself as you would if you were all present in the same room. In addition there are some additional useful tips below to observe to help ensure the meeting goes smoothly for all involved:
Join early – up to 5 minutes before the meeting start time
If you haven’t used Zoom before, click this link ( to download Zoom before the meeting and familiarize yourself with any features you may need to use in the meeting – mute/unmute microphone, stop/start video, screen share etc. (NOTE: You can join the meeting using Zoom in a browser window if you can’t download the app, but you will not have all the normal features available to you.)
Have your video on unless you are experiencing connection issues (it should find your video camera automatically)
Find a quiet space without interruptions / background noise
Have a plain background if possible – avoid backlight from bright windows
Have good lighting on your face/artwork so you can be seen clearly
Adjust your camera to be at around eye level if possible – especially take note of the angle of your laptop screen if using the built-in camera. Everyone likes face to face contact.