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Annual Contest Artwork Entry

Online Entry open until Friday May 16 


Artwork Delivery Monday May 19


Eligibility:    Participation is open to all Crooked Creek Art League members. There is no entry fee to participate. 


Artists may attach an artwork identification label of their own, however, a pre-printed label based on the entry data will be provided and attached to the upper right back corner of each piece of artwork entered at check-in. Artwork gallery label for use in the TAP Gallery display will also be provided. All artwork must have hanging wires – no saw tooth hangers.


THANK YOU for pre-registering online. 



NOTE: Your entry is not complete until you click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this form!

Online Registration

Artwork #1


Please complete all the fields below for this piece 

or your entry may be invalid.

Note: Framed artwork must be a minimum of 12 inches and a maximum of 48 inches in both height and width.



Please be sure your photo shows the artwork only (no frame) and is taken straight on (not skewed or distorted). Please include the artwork title and your name in the file name.

By clicking Submit, the artist agrees:


I have read the attached Prospectus and agree with all the rules and regulations of the Crooked Creek Art League Exhibit. I will adhere to registration and pickup dates. I understand that violations of any and all guidelines will be reviewed by the Exhibit Committee and/or CCAL Board of Directors and that failure to comply with scheduled pick-up dates/time will disqualify me from entry in next year’s show.


I hereby release Crooked Creek Art League and Crooked Creek Park, their members, employees, or representatives and agree they are not responsible for loss, damage or theft of artwork included in this show.

Please scroll back up to verify you have completed all required fields before submitting your entry.

Thank you for participating in our contest and special exhibition!

Entry for the annual contest is now closed. We look forward to seeing you and all the great artwork at the meeting Monday May 19!

Copyright Notice

Copyright for all artwork images are retained by the respective artists. No permission is given to use the images for any purpose.


© 2021 by Crooked Creek Art League and artists. All rights reserved.

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