Jan 2025 Meeting Video Online
At the Jan 25, 2025 meeting, Mary Presson Roberts, presented:
Follow Your Own Path
In her presentation, Mary shared a bit of her journey along the path and a lot of her beautiful and creative photography. As she shared her adventures using the camera and computer as her tools, she invited us all to think of our own journey with creativity using whichever tools you prefer.
See more about our presenter at:
We had good attendance with 65 participants: 42 in-person members, 22 members by Zoom and 1 guest. Thank you to everyone for joining the fun!
Door prize winners were: Harold Blackwood, Cathy Schwalm and Amy Thompson
Watch the video of the meeting:
Note: Attendance at this meeting counts toward Member in Good Standing (MIGS*) for entry into the Annual Juried Show and MIGS for entry into the Winter Still Hopes Juried Show.
*MIGS = Members in Good Standing = Members who have attended at least 3 meetings in order to be eligible for the next juried show. Eligible meetings occur in the eight meetings preceding the show. You can verify your MIGS status at: https://www.crookedcreekart.org/membership-directory (members password required to view.)
A reminder to our members:
Each month, we hold a new themed contest in the TAP Gallery. All CCAL members are invited to participate. Simply create your best piece according to the theme and bring it to hang on the start date listed below. (Be sure to bring your gallery wall label.) Only original works only are permitted in judged theme contests (no prints please).
Exhibits typically change the same night as our monthly member meeting. Be sure to take home your artwork at the end of the exhibit!!
A monthly Award Winner will be selected and awarded a ribbon for themed exhibits. Happy creating! In order to give our members more time to paint ahead for the TAP Gallery Exhibits, we will be trying to keep a yearly list of upcoming themes published in advance.
View the full list of all Upcoming TAP Gallery Themes so you can plan and create ahead!
To participate in our other Public Galleries, submit a Request to be scheduled in our other Public Galleries