Feb 2023 Meeting Video Online
Our presenter for the Feb 20, 2023 meeting was Ginny Merett. An eclectic collage artist, Ginny’s presentation was "I never forget a face". She reviewed images of her work that depict artistic growth and describe her intent. She described objects and people that inspire her work, and showed her artistic process.
Look for Ginny ginnymerett.com and on all social platforms:
Facebook @GMerettArtist
Twitter @ginmert
Instagram @ginnymerett
We had fabulous attendance with 62 Members and 3 guests in attendance. Thank you to everyone for participating!
Watch the video of the presentation:
Note: Attendance at this meeting counts toward Member in Good Standing (MIGS*) for entry into the Annual Juried Show.
*MIGS = Members in Good Standing = Members who have attended at least 3 meetings in order to be eligible for the next juried show. Eligible meetings occur in Apr, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb. All members are being granted credit for having 'attended' the April meeting since our meetings in April and May were cancelled. You can verify your MIGS status at: https://www.crookedcreekart.org/membership-directory (members password required to view.)
Door prize winners were: Jimma Causey, Kay Stallings, Bebe Way and Maureen Carter.
A reminder to our members:
A reminder to our members about the TAP Gallery Wall Display:
Each month, we hold a new themed contest in the TAP Gallery. All CCAL members are invited to participate. A monthly TAP Gallery Winner will be selected and awarded a ribbon. Happy creating!
Feb 20 - Mar 31
The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery theme: Figures and/or Portraits
Mar 31 - Apr 17
The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery: no theme - Juried Show Winners
View the full list of all Upcoming TAP Gallery Themes so you can plan and create ahead!