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Chapin Library Gallery - September 2019

CCAL congratulates member, Diane McCavitt, for her wonderful display this month at the Chapin Library Artist Gallery. The gallery is located in the Chapin Branch of the Lexington County Library and hosts the artwork of one of Crooked Creek Art League's fine artists each month.

(click any image to view larger)

Artist Bio

Photo of artist Diane McCavitt

I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Although I always loved art and won a couple local contests in junior and senior high school, I never had any formal training in art. As a wife, mother of three children and corporate executive who traveled extensively, I never had the time to pursue art either casually or formally until recently. I promised myself that when I retired, I would take up art again and I’ve been doing just that since I retired and we moved to South Carolina several years ago. I work mostly with acrylics on canvas painting landscapes, birds or other animals. Occasionally I will do pencil sketches, mostly portraits of my children or grandchildren. I meet and work with other local amateur artists where we socialize and “do our own thing” in a studio owned by Jamie Busby, a professional artist and professor. I joined the Crooked Creek Art League a couple years ago and enjoy the monthly speakers on varied art topics.

You see contact Diane by clicking HERE.

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