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Artistic Prosperity Artist October 2018: Cathy Dubiel

Crooked Creek Art League congratulates one of our newer members, Cathy Dubiel, for her one man exhibit at the Prosperity Town Hall. Her artwork will be on display now through the end of the month.

One Man Art Show for Cathy Dubiel

Artwork Included in the Show:

Listing of paintings in Cathy Dubiel show

Artist's Statement:

Photo of artist Maureen Carter

As a child I loved to paint anything I could get my hands on. With ten children in our home (8 younger than myself) it was hard to produce anything that didn’t have smears from little hands. My favorite class in school was always Art.

When I grew up I had to go to work to help our family. Then there were children to raise and all the activities that comes along with raising children. My children always had uniquely painted rooms and furniture painted by their Mom. Then there were grandchildren to help raise and never any time to spare.

When I retired I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands. I was given the opportunity to take watercolor classes at Frog Level Art Center in Prosperity SC with Anna Kay Singley. I truly loved it!

I didn’t feel as though I was very talented, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself when I painted. Especially with the group of ladies I have befriended. I produced some paintings that were just plain ugly and some that were decent. Then I started progressing a bit and even liked some of my works. I am painting on my own at home now. Most of my work is donated to Mission of Hope Ministry Thrift Store in Batesburg, auctions for the Chamber of Commerce in Batesburg, my church, our family reunion auctions and as gifts for friends and family.

Because of the encouragement of my artist friends I have entered competitions in Santee, Union, North Charleston and the State Fair.

I am a new member of Crooked Creek Art League in Chapin, SC. I am looking forward to making new friends and participating in workshops.

You can reach Cathy by clicking HERE.

Copyright Notice

Copyright for all artwork images are retained by the respective artists. No permission is given to use the images for any purpose.

© 2021 by Crooked Creek Art League and artists. All rights reserved.

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