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Chapin Art Trail
A Community Art Project

Out and About in Chapin

Sandra Oliver

Installed September 2019

Out and About in Chapin
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Artist's Statement 

“Out and About in Chapin” depicts in illustrative bubbles only six of the many activities and experiences offered in the Chapin such as Play, Shop, Dine, Fish, Create, and Preserve area. Only one example of each is provided; however, there are numerous other activities and experiences which could also have been selected. We hope to stimulate the viewer’s curiosity about other such examples in the Chapin area.

About the Artwork

Out and About in Chapin is a 4 foot tall free standing aluminum sailboat on a large wooden base. The sailboat is beautifully decorated in paints and other materials. The metal form was created by Steven Reed. The artistry on this sailboat was done by a collective of artists including: Sandra Oliver, Maureen Carter, Linda Claytor, Cathy Dubiel, Miriam Liner, and Anna Kay Singley.

Installed September 2019

About the Artist

A collaborative piece, all artists are active members of Crooked Creek Art League and have been painting together anywhere from three to nine years. They live in Newberry, Lexington, and Saluda counties and were brought together through classes at Frog Level Art Center in Prosperity. They try to lunch together once a week and offer critiques, encouragement, and guidance on each other’s paintings. Currently, the group is taking a once-a-month field trip to a location where photos are taken for future reference, and a plein air painting day is planned for the fall at one of the locations. While watercolor is their preferred medium, these artists also use acrylic, colored pencils, and collage. When one or more attend a workshop, they often share what they have experienced in the workshop with the group.

For the Sail into Chapin project, each artist was responsible for one scene from the Chapin area. The use of some of the same colors in each scene was stressed. The collaborative effort was apparent as two or more artists worked on their individual scene.

All Artists: Sandra Oliver, Maureen Carter, Linda Claytor, Cathy Dubiel, Miriam Liner, Anna Kay Singley.

Scavenger Hunt Clue: 

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A Partnership Project by the Crooked Creek Art League and the Town of Chapin

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This organization is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support in this grant comes from the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of The Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina.

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This project was supported by a Connected Communities grant from Central Carolina Community Foundation.

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