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May 2021 Meeting Video Online

We thank all our members in attendance for our May 17, 2021 Monthly Members Meeting. We had a great meeting with 37 members and 3 guests in attendance. Our presentation this month was the 2021 Annual Contest: SC Feathered Friends and Wildlife. Many thanks also to our new President, Kay Fox, who did a great job planning and running this year's contest.

This was a hybrid meeting with many members attending in person and others joining us via Zoom. A recording of the meeting is now available online for anyone who wasn't able to join us.

Watch the video of the meeting:

Note: Attendance at this meeting counts toward Member in Good Standing (MIGS*) for entry into the Annual Juried Show.

*MIGS = Members in Good Standing = Members who have attended at least 3 meetings in order to be eligible for the next juried show. Eligible meetings occur in Apr, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb. All members are being granted credit for having 'attended' the April meeting since our meetings in April and May were cancelled. You can verify your MIGS status at: (members password required to view.)

Door prize winners ($10 Amazon Gift Card each):

Mary Collette

Erdal Caba

Joyce Oates


A reminder to our members:

A reminder to our members about the TAP Gallery Wall Display:

The Annual Contest Artwork from SC Feathered Friends and Wildlife will hang in the TAP Gallery over the summer.

In September, we will have a one man show featuring this year's Juried Show Best in Show winner: Anne Hightower Patterson White.


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