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March Message from Our President

Crooked Creek Art League Logo

March 15, 2022

Dear Fellow Crooked Creek Art League Members:

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to each one of you. Time sure flies as Spring will arrive and our 27th Annual Juried Show, Sale and Reception are upon us! I hope you have made plans to attend our reception this Friday, March 18, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Crooked Creek has graciously agreed to host us as usual. The many entries have been judged and the ribbons are ready to be placed upon the award winners for the reception this Friday night. I hope to see many of you there. Please bring a mask to wear in close quarters.

Just a quick reminder that you can go online and vote for the Member’s Choice and People’s Choice awards until Thursday night. Please go online and do so if you have not voted yet. You can wait and vote at the reception. Remember that each member is only allowed to cast one vote for the Member’s Choice.

The TAP Gallery will have the winners of our Juried Show from March 26, 2022, until April 18. The theme for April 18, 2022, is Coastal Marshes. These will hang until our May meeting, Monday, May 16, 2022. The TAP

Gallery will have “Treasures in Our Backyard” (our year-end Members Contest) until the September meeting.

We have our new exhibition at Irmo Branch Library on the web page. Online registration will take place between April 1 and 22. The cost is $5 for each piece entered. Please go check out the prospectus as size differences are present. There will be a limit of approximately 50 works accepted as our space is smaller than Crooked Creek. I look forward to making this a great opportunity for you to show off your good work. Remember: There are no limitations to having previously entered your work in another show.

“Treasures in My Backyard” is the theme for our 2022 May contest. A starry night, a beautiful sunset, a family gathering, flowers in the garden, wildlife in the woods are just a few examples. Inspiration is closer than we

realize and often just outside our door. Participation is open to all Crooked Creek Art League members. Art work must be original and completed within the last 3 years. Note: Artwork entered in the Annual Contest is

not restricted from also being entered into one of our two annual juried shows. For more details, please see the Prospectus on the Crooked Creek Art League website.

Several folks have gone above and beyond for our League as well as the show, which is why we annually vote for a Member of the Year that is announced at our final meeting of the year in May. Remember nominations

are due on or before April 15, 2022, so voting can be April 18 at our April meeting. However, we do take nominations from the floor at the April Meeting. You can submit your nominations online or send it to Maureen

Carter HERE. Nomination forms are available online also.

The Chamber of Commerce of Chapin is sponsoring a Community Service Day, April 9, 2022, 9:00 a.m., at the Old Town Hall of Chapin on Old Lexington Highway. We would love for some of our members to participate

as they are big supporters of our league. More information will be forthcoming.

We apologize to our members for postponing our workshop, Glass Impressions: Sunlit Ball Jars – Helen Beacham, from April until September. We did not have enough registered to meet her minimum for a

workshop. Everyone that was registered is okay with our September dates. We do not usually have a September workshop but think this will be a good way to start our new fiscal year.

I will be sending another letter out in March to congratulate our winners. If there is any information I have left out of this letter, I will put it in the next one. Hope everyone has a great day. I look forward to seeing many of you for fun, food and awards Friday, March 18 at 5:00 p.m.


Kay Fox


Crooked Creek Art League

Photo of CCAL 2022 President: Kay Fox
CCAL 2022 President: Kay Fox

Quote of the Month

“In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can


Ralph Waldo Emerson

Note: You can read all the president's letter at any time on this website at


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