February 2022 General Meeting UPDATE
Due to Covid exposure for our presenter, and to protect our members from risk, the board has decided that we must hold the February 21 meeting via Zoom only. We had hoped to make this one available in person and we look forward to being able to do that again soon. In the meantime, we're bringing this meeting to you online - straight to your home studio or sofa, so we can stay connected during these unprecedented times.
As a reminder:
For February, our presenter will be Beth Williams. Beth, a highly successful pastel artist will present:
“Working in a Series”
Beth will discuss her process of working in a series, beginning with choosing subject matter that leads to daily painting practices and the many surprising advantages that result when an artist approaches subject matter in this way. Learn more HERE.
To keep the business meeting shorter, please review the information provided by our President regarding Board business activities and decisions prior to the meeting <Click HERE one week prior to the meeting>.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89404936824
The Zoom session will open at 5:45pm
The Meeting will begin at 6pm
The CCAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: CCAL General Meeting
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Meeting ID: 894 0493 6824
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