Apr 2022 Meeting Video Online
We thank all our members in attendance for our Apr 18, 2022 Monthly Members Meeting. We had great attendance with 38 members and two guests in attendance. Our presenter was Kelly Pelfrey. In her presentation “Should I Post?” [Why the answer is yes (and so much more)]. We learned how engagement on social media can lead to both loyal fans and more Art sales. Our session included what she's learned through experience, the heart behind connecting with your collectors, and practical tips. If Instagram has seemed overwhelming, or you're wondering if it would be worth your time, this is a meeting you won't want to miss. She held a very informative and active Q&A session at the end.
Watch the video of the meeting:
Note: Attendance at this meeting counts toward Member in Good Standing (MIGS*) for entry into the Annual Juried Show.
*MIGS = Members in Good Standing = Members who have attended at least 3 meetings in order to be eligible for the next juried show. Eligible meetings occur in Apr, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb. All members are being granted credit for having 'attended' the April meeting since our meetings in April and May were cancelled. You can verify your MIGS status at: https://www.crookedcreekart.org/membership-directory (members password required to view.)
In-person door prize winners were: Karen Larrabee, Kay Fox and Bebe Way
Winner of the drawing for a copy of Kelly's book: Carol Hartman
Zoom door prize winners were: Carol Blackwood and Laura Mayes Rosser
A reminder to our members:
A reminder to our members about the TAP Gallery Wall Display:
Each month, we hold a new themed contest in the TAP Gallery. All CCAL members are invited to participate. A monthly Best in Show will be selected and awarded a ribbon. Happy creating!
Apr 18 - May 16
The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery theme: Coastal Marshes
May 16 - Sept 19
Annual Contest artwork: Treasures in Your Backyard