Congratulations to The Winners!!!
2019 Best in Show

"Somewhere in Sudan" by Ann Sweeney
See photos of all the winners at
This was our biggest show ever this year with a total of 128 works of art across 4 categories, and a total of 58 artists participating for awards totaling $3,975! The exhibit is rich in talent and diversity and ALL the artists deserve congratulations for their pieces.
In addition, it takes many hours to plan and hold the show each year. Many volunteers donated many hours to make it possible and they all deserve our thanks and congratulations as well. Juried Show Co-Chairs Ann Peake and Kay Young have done a fantastic job bringing all the details together for this year's show. Thank you also to all the other volunteers (Randy Spencer, Barbara Teusink, Melinda Smith, Sandra Wilkie and Sandra Oliver, Roger Buenzow, Bobbi Sorensen, Brian Fox, Al Leitch, Alex DiFrancesco, Ann Sweeney and others). Thank you too to all our members, board members and community partners who have donated so generously to fund this show.
Awards Open to All Categories
Best in Show ($350) - “Somewhere in Sudan” by Ann Sweeney
Juror Comments: “We chose Ann Sweeney’s oil painting, “Somewhere in Sudan” for BIS. We were captivated by her soulful eyes and her inner strength and beauty. It is evident that Sweeney could feel her spirit. Her choice of painting her close-up in a large format gives a powerful impact on the viewer. She masterfully handled the soft filtered light and vibrant colors within a well-designed composition.”
City Art Award ($100 Gift Certificate) - “David and Mattie” by Sonya Diimmler
Rush’s Founding Patron Award ($125) - “Urban Renewal #4” by Tommy Thompson
Diimmler’s Catering Award ($100) - “The Guttermen” by Anne Hightower-Patterson White
The Braddock Group Legacy Award ($100) - “Star Gazer” by Dale Bishop
Irmo Insurance Award ($100) - “Remember 6,000,000” by Robert Carlsson
Mungo Homes Award ($100) - “Serenity” by Shin Wilbanks
Nelson Mullins Award ($100) - “Fruitful Harmony” by Sandra Wilkie
Invitation Postcard Award ($50) - “Heart of Fire” by Barbara Teusink
USC Associate Juror Award ($50) - “Peek-a-Boo: Back Into the Woods, V” by Karen Larrabee
Benedict Associate Juror Award ($50) - “Pit Master” by Dale Bishop
People’s Choice Award ($100) - "Beach Solace" by Sonya Diimmler
2D Artwork Awards - Masters
First Place – Masters ($250) - “MY Sister!” by Karen Larrabee
Second Place – Masters ($225) - “Beacon Hill” by Ron Weathers
Third Place – Masters ($200) - “Avian Artistry” by Marcia Murray
Smith Sweeney Memorial Award – Masters ($100) - “Edisto” by Pam Bulak
Weathers Contracting Award – Masters ($100) - “Miss Sarah III” by Anne H.P. White
Palmetto Fine Arts Award – Masters ($100) - “Little Boy Blue” by Jean Kirkley
Patron Award – Masters ($75) - “Here’s Looking at You” by Debra Kelly
Merit Awards – Masters ($50 each) - “Saluda at Riverbanks” by Al Leitch
“Sunset at Bowens Island” by Chris Carlsson
2D Artwork Awards - Amateur
First Place – Amateur ($175) - “Four Feet” by Sonya Diimmler
Second Place – Amateur ($150) - “Waves at Dawn” by Stephanie Arnold
Third Place – Amateur ($125) - “Sunscreen” by Roberta Sorensen
Smith Sweeney Memorial Award – Amateur ($100) - “Abstract 101” by Barbara Teusink
Weathers Contracting Award – Amateur ($100) - “Sea Dance” by Donald Bishop
Patron Award – Amateur ($75) - “Vortex” by Susan Hawfield
Merit Awards – Amateur ($50 Each) - “Drayton Hall” by Diana Smith
“Mischievous?” by Rajas Londhe
Photography Awards
First Place – Photography ($125) - “Lady Bluebird” by Brian Fox
Second Place – Photography ($100) - “Deferred Maintenance” by Robert Carlsson
Third Place – Photography ($75) - “Colors of Peru” by Ginger Robinson
Patron Award – Photography ($50) - “Pawley’s Island Sanderling” by Kay Young
Merit Award – Photography ($25) - “Lion Hearted” by Roger Buenzow
3D Artwork Awards
First Place – 3D Artwork ($125) - “Farm Alarm III” by Ruby DeLoach
Second Place – 3D Artwork ($100) - “Green Conger Bowl” by Janet Rich
Third Place – 3D Artwork ($75) - “Mandala” by Olga Yukhno