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Chapin Art Trail
A Community Art Project


Ann Peake/Jean Kirkley

Installed September 2019

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Artist's Statement 

We are excited to work on this “Sail into Chapin” Project that is being sponsored by the Crooked Creek Art League and the Town of Chapin. We have a great appreciation for the Arts and especially grateful to the Memorial Family that has provided us monetarily with the funds to give back to the community in honor of the ARTS.

About the Artwork

Glory is a 4 foot tall free standing aluminum sailboat on a large wooden base. The sailboat is beautifully decorated in paints and other materials. The metal form was created by Steven Reed. The artistry on this sailboat was done by Ann Peake and Jean Kirkley.

Installed September 2019

About the Artist

We, Ann Peake and Jean Kirkley, each have been members of the Crooked Creek Art League for 10 + years. We have both held offices on the Board of the League since our second year of membership until the current day! We share the same ideals and aspirations and support for the arts in the community by attending League meetings, local and state workshops and with a constant desire for improvement. We are both winners of multiple awards in the Crooked Creek Juried Shows and the SC State Fair.

See more about each artist at:

Scavenger Hunt Clue: 

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A Partnership Project by the Crooked Creek Art League and the Town of Chapin

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This organization is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support in this grant comes from the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of The Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina.

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This project was supported by a Connected Communities grant from Central Carolina Community Foundation.

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