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April 2019 Presenter: Lee Monts

Please join us at our April 15, 2019 meeting for food, fun and fellowship! Our presenter this month will be Lee Monts.

Photo: John Temple Ligon


Lee Monts

Lee creates contemporary abstracted landscape paintings on canvas, paper and board. His primary medium is acrylic, but he also works with watercolor, ink, oil and mixed media. A native of Chapin, South Carolina, his formal education is in geology, having a B.S. degree from the College of Charleston and a M.S. degree from the University of South Carolina. He has been a resident of Columbia, South Carolina since 1987 and retired as a Program Manager from the Underground Storage Tank Management Division of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control in Spring 2018.

Lee began painting in 2002 and has had no formal art training. He has shown extensively in South Carolina since 2003, and he received his Member with Excellence Certificate with the South Carolina Watermedia Society in 2012. He became a Working Artist for Golden Artist Colors in May 2018. As a Certified Working Artist, he provides Lecture Demos on Golden Products throughout North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. This opportunity happened as a result of a strong social media presence that led to an interview offer being extended by the Education Coordinator for Golden. Monts completed several training events, including one at the Golden Factory located in New Berlin, New York.

While Lee has done several presentation at various Columbia area art leagues with pending presentations, but he is providing something unique for CCAL rather than Golden’s standard lecture demo. He will be demonstrating a different technique and product line (Golden Acrylics, QoR Watercolors, Williamsburg Handmade Oils).

Samples of Golden products will be provided to attendees. Free Goodies!!

See more about Lee and his work at


A reminder to our members:

Artwork in the TAP Gallery for Apr/May will be the award winners from the Juried Show.

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